C Program For Runge Kutta Method


  1. C Program For Runge Kutta Method
  2. 4th Order Runge Kutta Matlab
  3. Runge Kutta Method 2nd Order
Your description is just too cryptic: objects with 4 dimensions are few and far between. I suspect now that your DEPENDENT variables are:
- concentration
- species
In other words, X[species i][location j] - that is TWO dimensions.
What you are describing above seems to be the TERMS which COUPLE those equations, which could actually be read, stored and used as a ONE-dimensional array of structs; e.g.
struct process{ int species, in, out; double value; }. When you read them, just assign them sequentially to a vector of structs using push_back(). When you use them in the derivative function just go through them one by one.
If , as I suspect, t is time, you should not be storing that - you should dump your X to file at identified intervals.
It is unclear what you mean by 'convergence'. This version of RK is explicit: there is no in-step iteration. If you meant convergence to final steady state then just use the normed distance between successive values of your dependent-variable array.
I think you need to write down your original equations.

C Program For Runge Kutta Method

C Program For Runge Kutta Method

4th Order Runge Kutta Matlab

C Program For Runge Kutta Method
  • The Runge-Kutta method on your calculator or in a programming language of your choice. First test your program by carrying through its application to the initial value problem in (1), and then apply it to solve some of the problems for Section 2.6 in the text.
  • Nov 08, 2008  I was wondering if anyone could help me with this code. I have sucessfully created a program in visual basic that can run a runge-kutta method. However I want to create one in c++, maybe eventually turn it into a.dll when i work out how to create and use them. Here is the code.

Runge-kutta method Program to estimate the Differential value of a given function using Runge-Kutta Methods Program that declares and initialize a 2D array in row major order, and print the contents of the 3rd row and 4th column using Register Indirect mode.

Runge Kutta Method 2nd Order

Hi guys.
I was wondering if anyone could help me with this code. I have sucessfully created a program in visual basic that can run a runge-kutta method. However I want to create one in c++, maybe eventually turn it into a .dll when i work out how to create and use them.
Here is the code:
It is supposed to print out a table, with the x values in one column, and y values in the other. Each successive iteration is in a new row of the table.
So far so good, the code creates the table fine.
I created a similiar program to run a Euler method, and it works just fine. But in the Runge-Kutta it just prints the y values as zero. I must have done something wrong somewhere.