Copy Files To Dev Null Minecraft


  1. Dev Files Download
  2. Copy Files To Dev Null Minecraft Pc

Dev Files Download

  1. command-v jq >/dev/null 2>&1||{
  2. echo>&2'You need jq to run this program. You can install it with';
  3. exit1;
  4. TO=$(cat$FILE|grep required |wc -l)
  5. VER=$(cat$FILE| jq '.version'|sed's/^.(.*).$/1/')
  6. AUTHOR=$(cat$FILE| jq '.author'|sed's/^.(.*).$/1/')
  7. MVER=$(cat$FILE| jq '.minecraft.version'|sed's/^.(.*).$/1/')
  8. FVER=$(cat$FILE| jq '.minecraft.modLoaders[0].id'|sed's/^.(.*).$/1/')
  9. echo'
  10. echo'= Version: '$VER
  11. echo'
  12. echo'= Forge Version: '$FVER
  13. echo'
  14. echo-n'Do you want to install optional packages? [Y/n] '
  15. mkdir/tmp/curse >/dev/null 2>&1
  16. # Delete files if they already exist
  17. for i in $(seq$TO)
  18. REQ=$(cat$FILE| jq '.files['$i-1'].required')
  19. FID=$(cat$FILE| jq '.files['$i-1'].fileID')
  20. URL=''$PID'-mod/files/'$FID'/download'
  21. if[!$OPT = 'n'] ; then
  22. elif[$REQ = 'false'] ; then
  23. elif[$REQ = 'true'] ; then
  24. fi
  25. mv/tmp/curse/* ./overrides/mods/>/dev/null 2>&1
  26. echo'Clean up'
  27. echo'
  28. echo'= Copy all the files from the overrides folder'
  29. echo'= to your instance folder (e. g. in MultiMC)'
  30. echo'
Linux dev nullCopy files to dev null minecraft server

Copy Files To Dev Null Minecraft Pc

Equivalent of (foo &>/dev/null &) in Windows shell. And NUL is Windows' equivalent of /dev/null. Why do Windows and Linux see different files on a DVD ROM? Login to your server cd /opt tar -zcvf minecraft_backup.tar.gz minecraft Copy the minecraft_backup.tar.gz to a safe location, preferably another computer. This file can be used to restore your world if needed. Get into the habit of doing this regularly.