Install Vmware Vdiskmanager Linux

May 29, 2012 by wingloon Comments Off on How To Install VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) 5.0 Update 1 on CentOS 5.7 In this how to, I am going to share how to install VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) 5.0 Update 1 (build 614080) on CentOS 5.7 32-bit hardware platform.

Active4 years, 10 months ago

I have already increased the size by going into VMWARE Workstation settings ->Hardisk to 34GB. But I cant able to relocate it inside the Ubunto running inside the VMware.

I want to increase the size of /dev/sda1

Sick SeriesSick Series

1 Answer

How to expand hard disk size using VMware:
To increase the virtual disk from the command line:

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  1. Open a command prompt. For more information, see how to open command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the product's installation directory. See how to do that
  3. Type vmware-vdiskmanager -x 100Gb vm.vmdk and press Enter(Replace 100Gb with the actual size of virtual disk that you want. You can also specify Kb and Mb.)

Vmware Vdiskmanager Linux

And, I guess you've tried this(from GUI):

  1. Select the virtual machine from the Inventory.
  2. Click Edit Virtual Machine Settings.
  3. Click Hard Disk.
  4. Click Utilities > Expand, enter the new size, then click Expand.
  5. Again, follow this one
InstallInstall Vmware Vdiskmanager Linux

How to expand hard disk size inside Ubuntu(using gparted tool):
What about expanding inside Ubuntu, I guess you should try gparted or similar tool. How to do that, go here

To open gparted do the following:

Free Vmware For Linux

  1. Install it by typing sudo apt-get install gparted
  2. Run it by pressing Alt+F2, and type there gparted

Vmware Linux Virtual Machine


Install Vmware Workstation On Linux

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